At MPS, we are happy to help you become more sustainable. Among other things, our MPS-ABC qualification overviews contribute to this, as they give you insight into your usage. As Service & Support sometimes receives questions about these overviews, we will highlight one part of the MPS-ABC qualification overviews per month in the coming period and provide an explanation. You can find your qualification overviews in the Customer Portal, where you can download them at the top right.
The following sections will be explained per month:
- Table 1: Data qualifications
- Graph 1-5: Operating usage last year
- Graph 6-9: Operating usage by period
- Composition of points parental material and environmental zones
- Company usage MPS-MIND and MPS-OEX
By facilitating the keeping of your usage records on the environmental themes of crop protection agents, fertilisers, energy, waste and water in the MPS-ABC record-keeping environment, you gain insights into your relative environmental performance compared with growers of similar products under similar production circumstances.
In the qualification and period graphs you will see both qualification data expressed in points as well as usage expressed in kilograms and GJ. Your usage is assigned qualification points: the less you use, the more qualification points you get. This then leads to an MPS A+, A, B or C qualification. In addition, you gain an insight into your usage levels in the form of tables and graphs. Not only does this make your environmental performance transparent, but MPS-ABC also becomes a management tool that helps you to become more sustainable.
Points composition MPS – environmentally certified parental material
In the table “Points composition MPS – environmentally certified parental material” you can see your total (average) area under cultivation. The total area under cultivation means the total cultivated area of protected cultivation, second crop layer and forcing crates. It does not include the forcing room or any uncultivated areas.
The table shows the (average) area of environmentally certified MPS-ABC and GLOBALG.A.P. starting material. Under “Your points” you can see how many points you score for the theme Certified Starting Material compared with the maximum points (“Max. points” in the table) you can achieve for this item. The section “Total points for certified parental material” shows the total number of qualification points for the theme Certified Starting Material.
Overview of environmental zones
The overview of environmental zones indicates which environmental zone your business or location belongs to in each period. The environmental zones are relevant because location factors influence the environmental risk potential when using crop protection agents. For more information on the environmental zones, check the MPS-MIND Information Document.
If you have questions about the overviews or as a result of this message, please contact Service & Support via +31 (0) 174 – 615 715 or via