MPS Group, consisting of MPS as standard owner and MPS-ECAS as certifying body, pays the utmost attention to the website www.my-mps.com to keep it as up to date and complete as possible. Nevertheless, it is possible that some content may be incomplete or incorrect. The use of information offered on this website is entirely at the risk of the visitor/user of the website, just like visiting websites or services of third parties by means of a hyperlink on this website. Prices and other information are subject to typing errors. MPS Group does not accept any liability for all the above. Nor does MPS Group accept any liability for any consequences – such as loss or loss of profit – arising from actions undertaken as a result of the information on this website.
All languages on this website, except Dutch, English or German, have been automatically generated via Google Translate. MPS does not guarantee the accuracy of any translation and is not liable for any consequences – such as losses suffered or lost profits – arising from reliance on the results of a translation carried out using this translation service.