The MPS-GAP certification standard has been updated. MPS-GAP is benchmarked against the GLOBALG.A.P. Flowers & Ornamentals certification standard. GLOBALG.A.P. recently published a new version (6), to which MPS-GAP is linked. To reflect this, a new, amended version of MPS-GAP has been issued, with some additional requirements, some requirements that have been dropped and some that are interpreted differently. This new version (MPS-GAP v12) has been ratified by the MPS Board and becomes mandatory from 1 January 2025.

Below please find a list of the main changes in this new version of the standard. NB: These are not the only changes in the standard. Please check the full certification standard for all the changes.

Additions to the MPS-GAP General Provisions:

0.16a Legislation
Where relevant legislation is stricter than the requirements in MPS-GAP, the legislation takes precedence. Where legislation is absent or less strict, the MPS-GAP requirement must be complied with. MPS-GAP certification is not intended to certify national legislation, nor can MPS or CB be held liable for compliance with legislation by the grower.
0.11d If the certificate holder is facing a complaint regarding workers’ well-being, environmental protection, or is involved in a court trial or has been found by a court of law to have infringed a national or international law, and these actions can endanger the reputation and credibility of MPS and/or the MPS-GAP standard, the certificate holder shall inform the CB within 24 hours.

Summary of changes in the Requirements:

1.2 New requirement (see the standard for a description of the full requirement):
The certificate holder shall inform its staff annually about the MPS-GAP certification standard and its implementation at the company by means of information events and/or training sessions.
2.1 Added to the requirement:
The internal audit has been conducted against all applicable MPS-GAP criteria, even if these have been carried out by subcontractors.
* the results of which are documented with an explanation of proof for ‘N/A’ and major nonconformities.
2.2a Dropped from the requirement:
The traceability module.
2.3 Additional points of interpretation:
* In case of Parallel Ownership, the grower’s MPS number must be shown on at least every packaging unit. And a procedure shall be in place to show that the products are correctly identified and dispatched according to the certification status.
2.4 Dropped from the requirement:
The compulsory annual simulation test has been removed.
2.6 Requirement dropped:
With regard to land/plot use.
2.9i New requirement:
At least 10% by volume of substrates used in production is an alternative to peat.
2.13f Requirement dropped:
Fertilisers and crop protection agents must be stored above floor level, and not in the same space as parental material or freshly harvested product.
2.14q New requirement:
The grower actively takes steps to prevent crop protection agents from drifting across from adjacent fields.
2.15a Interpretation amended:
Draw up a fertilising programme. This is to be aimed at the lowest possible loss of fertilisers.
2.15b Interpretation amended:
Before using organic fertiliser, a risk analysis must be demonstrably carried out, taking into account the intended use.
2.15g Dropped from the requirement:
Stock list of fertilisers.
2.16a Additional points of interpretation:
A water management plan must be available and approved by the management within the last 12 months.
* measures to avoid depletion and contamination of water sources.
* measures to ensure efficient use and application.
* short and long term plans for improvement, with timescales where deficiencies exist.
2.16d Change to requirement wording:
The risk inventory of the chemical and physical pollution of water used prior to harvesting (for irrigation, washing etc.) must be revised every time a change is made to the system or a situation arises that could potentially involve contamination of the system.
2.16e Interpretation amended:
A risk inventory must be drawn up in which the environmental issues are evaluated for the water management at the company (pre- and postharvest). The inventory shall be reviewed annually or whenever changes to risks occur.
2.16m New requirement:
Where feasible, measures have been implemented to collect water and, where appropriate, to recycle.
2.16n New requirement:
Water storage facilities are present and well maintained to take advantage of periods of maximum water availability.
2.16o New requirement:
Records of volumes of water abstracted water from water sources are kept.
2.19e Interpretation amended:
Accident and emergency procedures are displayed and communicated.
2.19f New requirement:
The farm has health and safety procedures.
2.19j Change to requirement wording:
There must be a sufficient number of employees trained in first aid present at the company, and this must be demonstrable. There must be at least one person with first aid training present at the company when activities are carried out there. It must be demonstrable that they attend refresher courses on a regular basis.
2.19q New requirement:
Facilities for changing shall be provided, if necessary.
2.20 Added to the requirement:
The nature conservation plan should also focus on promoting biodiversity.
2.22 Additional points of interpretation:
* Evidence of compliance of the subcontractor needs to be made available by the grower.
2.27 New requirement:
A continuous improvement plan is documented.
2.28 New requirement:
There is evidence that a continuous improvement plan is implemented.
2.29 New requirement:
On the farm (within the farm boundaries), no areas with legally recognised conservation value (or effectively protected by other means) have been converted into agricultural areas or into other uses since 1 January 2014.
2.30 New requirement:
On the farm (within the farm boundaries), no areas with legally recognised conservation value (or effectively protected by other means) which had been converted into agricultural areas or into other uses between 1 January 2008 and 1 January 2014 are already restored, under restoration, or will enter binding restoration.
2.31 New requirement:
The grower is aware of the legislation on invasive alien species in the country of production and the country of destination.

Change to weighting
Now minor in MPS-GAP version 12 (previously major/compulsory control points): 2.9g, 2.26.

Now compulsory control point in MPS-GAP version 12 (previously minor): 2.9d, 2.10d, 2.10f, 2.13e, 2.13g, 2.13j, 2.14e, 2.14o, 2.16i, 2.19e, 2.19g, 2.19h, 2.19L.

The fees for this new version are made up of a remittance to MPS and a remittance to GLOBALG.A.P. for the benchmark. GLOBALG.A.P. has changed its price structure, so the breakdown of the price will be different. The GLOBALG.A.P. charge is 30% of the price referred to on page 5 in the price table. If you have any questions about the fees, we refer you to the Certification Body MPS-ECAS:

You can find the new version and related MPS-GAP documents (v12) on our website, under ‘Documents’.