Turkuaz Flowers has been producing cut flowers since 1990. They mainly grow foliage varieties for use in bouquets – like Asparagus and Eucalyptus – with a focus on quality, consistency and sustainability, says Oktay Süleymanoğlu, who represents the second generation in the family company. “After establishing our quality standards, we contacted MPS to streamline our sales and operations.”

Oktay Süleymanoğlu

Sustainability is a key aspect of production at Turkuaz Flowers. The grower uses natural predators and organic fertilisers to help protect the environment. They also do this actively by incorporating native plants into their production to support local ecosystems. “That way, we also reduce the need for extensive irrigation and pest control – and we create habitats for pollinators.”

Dealing with scarce resources
Another side to the sustainability equation is made up by resources. Water is becoming increasingly scarce, which is why Turkuaz Flowers uses drip irrigation and collects rainwater for use in cultivation. “The rainwater harvesting system has reduced our water usage by 30%, which has also significantly lowered our operational costs.”

Energy is another such resource: “We’ve invested in solar panels and other renewable energy sources, and we have upgraded our machinery and lighting to reduce our carbon footprint.” The solar panels now generate 40% of the company’s energy needs, Süleymanoğlu tells us. “This has cut our electricity bills by nearly half and reduced our carbon emissions by 25 tons annually. These initiatives have not only made our operations more sustainable but also more cost-effective, so we highly recommend these practices to other growers in our region.”

Certification shows commitment to sustainability
In order to translate this commitment to sustainability into something tangible, Turkuaz Flowers decided to pursue the MPS-ABC certification. “The MPS-ABC certification aligns with our dedication to sustainable agricultural practices, helping us systematically reduce our environmental impact. The certification provides a framework for measuring and improving our sustainability performance, offering clear benchmarks and guidance.”

MPS-ABC gives Turkuaz Flowers a competitive edge, Süleymanoğlu explains. “It opens doors to new markets and customers who require or prefer MPS-ABC certified suppliers. We’re increasingly seeing customers and partners prioritise sustainability. Royal FloraHolland, which we also regularly supply to, will even make certification obligatory in the future. MPS-ABC certification meets their expectations and builds trust – it showcases our commitment to high environmental standards.”

Taking the company to the next level
MPS-ABC certification has helped the company improve in various ways, according to Süleymanoğlu. “It has helped us establish meticulous record-keeping systems to track our resource use. We also implemented efficient water and energy management systems, and developed comprehensive waste reduction and recycling programs to minimise our environmental footprint. These changes have led to improved sustainability, cost savings, and a stronger market position.”

Towards a sustainable future
With these advantages experienced by Turkuaz Flowers, it’s no surprise that Süleymanoğlu recommends other growers in the region to get certified as well. “To the floricultural sector in our region, particularly in İzmir, Turkey, we wish to convey a message of opportunity, sustainability, and excellence,” he says.

“As we look to the future, initiatives such as MPS-ABC certification stand to elevate the standards of quality and sustainability in our region’s floricultural practices. By embracing certification, growers in İzmir can further enhance their competitiveness, meet the evolving demands of discerning consumers, and contribute to the overall advancement of the floricultural sector in Turkey. Let us collectively seize this opportunity to propel the floricultural sector in İzmir and Turkey to greater heights of success and sustainability.”