With around 190.000 ceremonies per year, the Italian wedding industry is blooming. It is safe to say that most of these weddings contain multiple flowers and plants. As many other industries, the wedding industry wants to become more sustainable. An example of these efforts was showcased during the fair Myplant & Garden last February.

The concept “Fair wedding” in particular shows an increasing trend concerning sustainable floriculture products, certified by MPS for example, and many professional operators are searching for ways to improve attractiveness of their proposals introducing new items which can communicate  a concept of sensitiveness for environment and society. Choosing sustainable flowers and plants to decorate wedding parties can ensure that participating people are becoming more involved in sustainability. They are also encouraged, as consumers, to recognise MPS certified flowers and plants by the label, definitively representing an inclusive approach to sustainability.

“Weddingflowers” is a cooperation between Myplant & Garden – Milan and the Consulate General of the Netherlands in Italy, that presented a concept platform during the last edition of the trade fair Myplant & Garden. This platform focused on the wedding industry, was set up with exhibiting areas, fashion shows, live demonstrations and workshops involving many operators in this industry such as wedding planners, suppliers, designers, photographers or influencers who spotted previews, innovations, ideas and flower arrangements who presented their novelties.

Sharing this vision with the organisers, MPS agreed to be represented in an open counter within the wedding flower platform during the last edition of Myplant & Garden. Floral artist Bert Kuiper took care of decorating the entire platform by installing various natural materials and flowers and potted plants donated by Italian MPS participants. A public seminar was also held on the importance of introducing ethical concepts to add value to the wedding industry.

Luigi D’Amora, cut flower grower in Pompei, gave a speech showcasing his own experience as an MPS-GAP certified producer and explained how growing flowers in a sustainable way means not only making a clear choice to reduce environmental impact, but also taking responsibility towards the communities involved in the whole life cycle.

The seminar sparked the interest of participating professional operators and several of them visited our corner asking for more information about MPS and its meaning.

We are happy to have been able to speak to and inform many visitors and are looking forward to next year!