The Turkish company Newday Farms has already planted 520 trees in exchange for the sale of their carnations since the company’s founding in 2018. Making profit is not their only and most important goal; sustainability and rights for employees are at least as important. Seval Öz, founder and co-owner of Newday Farms says: “For us, MPS-ABC forms the basis of sustainable production from the seedling to the packaging of the product.”
MPS-A score as ‘rookie’
Newday Farms was immediately designated as MPS-A after recording thirteen periods in succession. “From the start, sustainability was at the top of the list and we aimed to minimise the use of crop protection agents and fertilisers”, said Öz. “We have mapped the usage of crop protection agents and fertilisers using the MPS-ABC system. This has an enormously positive influence on the use and choices of certain substances.”
“As a company, we also feel the social responsibility and therefore we contribute to social projects. We work with environmental organisations and NGOs and we plant 40 to 50 trees every month in exchange for the number of flowers we sell”, says Öz. Customers regularly receive an update on this. Öz: “We send customers certificates of the planted trees with their name on it. In this way we want to invest in a sustainable future.”
Turning point
Due to the MPS-ABC membership, their sustainability efforts do not remain in private: the MPS-A score is international proof that they produce sustainably. “Sustainable production is important to our buyers and, moreover, it is often a condition for delivery”, says the owner. In addition, the processes in the company have become a lot more efficient due to MPS-ABC, which means that Newday Farms has better control of costs. “The production process is better mapped out. Personally, I have also learned a lot from MPS-ABC, my management skills have improved a lot. The certificate became the turning point for me to organise my work more efficiently.”
Of course the company also makes mistakes, but not many. “What helped was MPS explaining the philosophy and purpose of MPS-ABC, so we make few mistakes. MPS also takes into account national regulations and we receive advice so that we can continue to grow in terms of sustainability.”