Media library (instruction videos)
In our media library, you will find all instruction videos related to the MPS-ABC record-keeping environment. In addition, you will find videos on how to log into the Customer portal.
Environmental certification aims to guarantee the quality and sustainability of the entire floriculture sector. Nobody can do that alone. MPS was founded in 1995: it is a joint initiative of the Dutch growers. Our goal is to create even more value for our sector and help make it more sustainable. Certification plays an important role in this and contributes to the strong image of Dutch floriculture.
MPS-ABC is more than a certificate. It is a monitoring tool that allows companies to push the right buttons to reduce their impact on the environment. By recording usage, it is measured how sustainably a company produces. This leads to a more conscious use of resources and growers can use the data to make their business more sustainable.
In our media library, you will find all instruction videos related to the MPS-ABC record-keeping environment. In addition, you will find videos on how to log into the Customer portal.
For each use of crop protection agents and fertilisers, companies record their usage data in the MPS record-keeping system. In addition, they record their usage in the areas of energy, water and waste, and indicate where, when and how much starting material was purchased. Points can be awarded for each aspect. Based on the total number of points awarded, a company receives an MPS qualification of A+, A, B or C, where A+ is the highest attainable qualification.
A total of 110 points can be awarded. After recording data for thirteen consecutive periods (four quarters), the record-keeping is checked during a company audit, and the independent certification body MPS-ECAS issues the certificate. This is followed by the first MPS-ABC qualification, which is recalculated once per quarter.
A total of 110 points can be awarded. After recording data for thirteen consecutive periods (four quarters), the record-keeping is checked through a company audit, and an independent certification body issues the certificate. This is followed by the first MPS-ABC qualification, which is recalculated once per quarter.
MPS-A+ qualification: At least 90 points and three additional requirements*
MPS-A qualification: 70 to 110 points
MPS-B qualification: 55 to 69.9 points
MPS-C qualification: 10 to 54.9 points
*MPS-A+ is a “leader” qualification, for those with the best environmental performance. Leaders score at least 90 points. Moreover, the company scores at least 85% on its use of crop protection agents and 75% on its fertiliser and energy usage.
Here you will find the guidelines for an IPM plan (Integrated Pest Management).
A company scores points by keeping their usage within certain standards. The standards for the use of crop protection agents, fertilisers and energy are set per crop. Based on the crops present and the company surface area, an organisation receives an individual company standard.
The standard for a certain crop is determined on the basis of disease susceptibility and on fertiliser and temperature requirements. For this reason, a company must start making a cultivation plan before the usage can be recorded. In this plan, the grower records each crop it grows, and the surface area of the crop’s cultivation.
MPS-MIND is the environmental indicator that makes it possible to measure the environmental impact of crop protection agents. These products are classified into the categories green, amber and red, with green products having the lowest impact on the environment and red the most. Substances that are on the MPS-List prohibited substances are not allowed within MPS-ABC.
MPS-MIND creates transparency as to the amount and harmfulness of the crop protection agents used. This leads to a more conscious use of these products. Effective use of crop protection agents is important in MPS-MIND: in some cases, using a red product once is more effective and environmentally sustainable than using a green product dozens of times.
For companies with an intensive but efficient cultivation method, the MPS-OEX, which in Dutch stands for “Oppervlakte Efficiency Index” (Area Efficiency Index), allows broader company standards for fertiliser and energy usage. Whether a participant is eligible for broadening of these standards is determined on the basis of factors that increase growth and production (such as the type of lighting, the amount of CO2 and the use of substrate). MPS-OEX applies only to greenhouse cultivation.
View all documents related to MPS-ABC, such as the certification standard and checklists.
View the MPS-ABC folder with all the information concisely summarised.
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