As a grower, how do you know where you can make the biggest changes to further improve sustainability? A so-called ‘footprint’, or Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), shows the impact of the cultivation of a horticultural product on the environment.

MPS collaborates with the parties mentioned below on an internationally accepted standard method for the horticulture sector to calculate the environmental impact of plants and flowers – from seed or cutting to end product. This standard method is called the HortiFootprint.

In addition to the use of energy, fertilisers and crop protection agents, the HortiFootprint also incorporates other important themes such as land use, packaging and CO2 emissions. The method contains a total of sixteen indicators and shows the entire life cycle of flowers and plants, right up to the end product.

The method for the HortiFootprint will be delivered mid 2020. MPS is currently developing a module based on MPS-ABC and the HortiFootprint. It will allow growers to answer the question of how sustainable their flower, plant or tree is.

The HortiFootprint is developed by (in alphabetical order):

  • ABN AMRO Bank N.V.
  • Glastuinbouw Nederland
  • GroentenFruit Huis
  • MPS
  • PRĂ© Sustainability
  • Rabobank
  • Royal FloraHolland
  • Stichting Benefits of Nature
  • Wageningen University & Research (WUR)

More information

Do you have any questions about our products or would you like to request a quotation straight away? Please contact us. We are happy to help you!